(VIDEO) Why have Moldovan corrupt officials not been convicted yet? The response from the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office

Judicial procedures that respect human rights take time, says Veronica Dragalin when asked why we do not have convicted corrupt officials. In a podcast hosted by Vadim Cusnir, the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, pointed out that while we are achieving successes in combating crime, the authorities cannot deliver verdicts overnight.

The official referred to the cases involving Igor Dodon, Alexandr Stoianoglo, Vasile Botnari, and Vlad Filat. In her opinion, these criminal cases are complex.

“I believe you have noticed that I tend to be optimistic. For the first time in the history of the Republic of Moldova, we have criminal cases initiated against officials of the highest level. It is a good sign. The next step is for investigators to gather sufficient evidence to bring the cases to court. (…) We have sent to court a president, a former prime minister, the former general prosecutor, and the former head of the SIS. They are high-ranking individuals. These are complex cases. (…)

“These individuals are not in prison because procedures that respect human rights take time. (…) We cannot have unrealistic expectations in a system that follows due process. I am confident that we will see convictions, but it takes time,” Dragalin emphasized.


At the same time, the official mentioned that her reputation cannot be compromised and assured that she does not intend to accept bribes, as she has other legal ways to earn more money, including in the U.S., if she desires to do so.

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