A list of events that will convince you to visit Moldova in the next period


The summer season passes as fast as the weekends. Here’s a list of events that will make you remember it as the most fun and emotional summer until now, according to diez.md.

So, even if the recommended events take place during the week, you have at your disposal the sun that lasts until 10 pm. Here are some events that will inspire you this week.

First Love Concert | Crista | AMystic

If we’re still looking for love, let’s remember the first one. It will be sung on July 8 by Crista and AMystic. And because the summer intensifies the feelings under the moonlight, we expect you to live them superlatively with First Love.

The concert will take place on Friday, July 8, at Artcor (317 August 1989 Street, no. 137), at 19.00.

Tickets cost 75 lei and can be purchased by accessing the link here.

Street Food & Wine Festival

If you feel like something good, here that from Friday to Sunday (June 8-10), you can go to the third edition of Street Food & Wine Festival.

The event will take place on Eugen Doga Pedestrian Street, starting with 11.00.

OMG! yards

On July 9 and 10, ie this Saturday and Sunday, Yardsale gathers music, dance, good food, products and items created by local artisans at the Gastronomic Theater.

The OMG! YARDSALE will be a design-market segment, where you will be able to discover cute things, from accessories for you, to home decorations, stickers, jewelry, board games, eco torches, church and much more. There you will also find an eco-market, where there will be honey, chocolate and dried fruit.

At the same time, you can eat tasty at the event, because it is located at the Gastronomic Theater, which is known for its gastronomic delights, and if you go up to the second floor, you can order a bottle of wine from Purcari, sit on the terrace and you dance to the rhythms proposed by the DJs of the event!

The entry is free!

Act 2 – Love in time of war

Is Love an Act of Freedom, or Is it an Act of Courage? Is Love Pure and Simple, or Do You Need an Act to Trust It? Does Love need explanations or …? Is she the answer to all the questions?

Come on July 15, at 7 p.m., to the A.P. Chekhov, at ACT TWO OF LOVE during the war, to listen to MY music and philosophy about love.

Tickets can be purchased at the link attached here.

Grand Opening Queer Cafe

Queer Cafe is a safe place for all people who identify as queer, as well as for their friends, allies and families, and this Saturday, July 9, Queer Cafe is waiting for you at its official opening.

Event schedule:
19.00 – Grand Opening Ceremony;
21.00 – Drag Show with Chraja (Athens) + DJ Party with viq vortex and discipolx.

Queer Cafe is created by the community for the community where each of us can contribute to its improvement: from decorations and renovations, to art exhibitions, shows, workshops.

Romanian Universities Fair

The 11th edition of the Romanian Universities Fair, organized by the Bessarabian Youth Federation, will take place between July 7-8. During the event, the representatives of the Romanian university centers come to present to the gymnasium and high school graduates from the Republic of Moldova the educational offers for the year 2022-2023.

The event will take place on Aleea Clasicilor, between 9.00 and 16.00 (in case the weather will be rainy, the activity will move to the Municipal Library “B.P. Hasdeu”).

You will have the opportunity to interact with pupils and students, who are studying in Romania, FTB members and volunteers of Bessarabian organizations in Romania who will give you answers to all the questions you have.

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