Digitized agriculture, now in Moldova! Farmers could be freed from the burden of bureaucratic procedures

In two years, Moldovan farmers could escape the burden of bureaucratic procedures. The multitude of papers that must be brought to report the surfaces they work on could be replaced by electronic maps, electronic registers.

The announcement was made by the Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolea, during a press conference.


“I think that in two years we will complete the process. We have several registers at different institutions ANSA, AIPA, tax office, etc. A single register will be made where all farmers will be, especially since we are finalizing the process of registering economic agents, we will also finalize the interactive map of all lands with the assignment of cadastral numbers because we have lands in the Republic of Moldova where sheep farms are located , goats, lands that belong to the municipality and have not been registered and do not have cadastral numbers. Respectively, the economic agents cannot receive their subsidies without the cadastral number of the land and this is the responsibility of the town hall because the land belongs to it”, said Bolea.

According to the minister, there are a lot of problems that can be solved through digitization and through the obligation of the process of delimitation and tabulation of lands in the Republic of Moldova, and especially it is about public property at level one, two and central.

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