A Moldovan accordionist is one of the winners of the most important music award in Denmark

Moldovan accordionist Radu Rățoi won yesterday, June 8th, the most important music award in Denmark. It is called the Leonie Sonnings Musikpris Talent Prize.

According to the musician, he is the second foreigner to receive this award in the entire history of the music competition.

"It has been a difficult and long journey to achieve this, and I would like to thank my family and everyone who has helped me! I also want to thank my teachers, Ludmila Pelin, Mirzac Sergiu, who have always encouraged and supported me, and especially Geir Draugsvoll for his persistence in receiving this award," announced Radu Rățoi on his Facebook page. 


Source: Facebook/Radu Rățoi

The Léonie Sonning Music Award is the largest music award in Denmark, given since 1959 to a composer, musician, conductor, or internationally recognized singer in the field of classical music. Each year, it is awarded to 10 talented young individuals. The awards have a value of 100,000 Danish kroner (approximately 256,000 lei) and must be used for the artistic development of the winner.

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