Agreement on the liberalization of the carriage of goods by road – NEW DETAILS

Moldovan carriers can travel on the territory of the European Union without authorizations, following the conclusion of the Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova on the liberalization of road transport of goods. Today, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development comes up with new details about the benefits of signing the agreement.

Thus, according to the agreement, the following transport operations are exempted from authorizations:

Bilateral freight transport
Cargo journeys carried out with a vehicle, whose point of departure and point of arrival are in the territory of two different Parties, with or without transit through the territory of a third country (eg Republic of Moldova ↔ EU Member State);

Transport of goods in transit
Cargo journeys carried out with a vehicle from the territory of the State of registration to the territory of the same State, with transit through the territory of the other Party (eg Republic of Moldova ↔ transit EU Member State ↔ Republic of Moldova);

Cargo journeys carried out with a vehicle in / from the territory of the State of registration to the territory of a third country, with transit through the territory of the other Party (eg Republic of Moldova ↔ EU Member State transit ↔ third country);

Unloaded transport in bilateral operations and transit
In the case of the carriage of goods between two non-EU third countries, transit through the territory of EU Member States is not liberalized (eg Republic of Turkey ↔ Republic of Belarus). Cabotage and travel between EU Member States do not fall within the scope of that Agreement.

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The agreement on the liberalization of road freight transport was signed by the Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu and the Minister Delegate, on behalf of the French Presidency, Christophe Bechu, on June 29, in Lyon, France.

The Agreement entered into force on the date of signature and applies until 31 March 2023, with the possibility of extending the deadline.

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