An increasing number of Ukrainian refugee children are attending schools in Chisinau! Currently, there are 929 Ukrainian pupils enrolled in schools

The attendance of Ukrainian refugee children in schools located in the capital has increased. This is the official data presented by Chisinau City Hall.

At the start of the 2023 school year, 929 refugee children from Ukraine were enrolled in educational institutions in Chisinau.

Out of the total, 449 are primary school children (grades 1-4).

Only 25 refugee children, the smallest number, are enrolled in secondary school (grades 10-12).

According to official data, as of 2022, 674 small refugees from Ukraine were enrolled in kindergartens in Chisinau.

Currently, the number of Ukrainian children attending kindergartens in the capital is 340.

According to the law, Ukrainian refugee citizens have access to free general education (for minors) in the Republic of Moldova if they have temporary protection status.

Data from the General Inspectorate for Migration show that a total of 43,177 Ukrainian citizens in the Republic of Moldova enjoy temporary protection status.


The largest number of beneficiaries of temporary protection is in Chisinau Municipality – 23,072 people.

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