Ana Revenco welcomes the launch of the EU HUB for security

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Ana Revenco, presented today, July 12, the results obtained following her participation at the Council of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) of the EU, in Prague. Therefore, following the dialogue and exchange of views within the Council, it was found that Moldova has the ability to defend Europe together with the EU states and that the geographical position and capabilities of our country are important in the stability and peace of the entire European continent.

Practically, the participation of our country in the JHA, together with European decision makers in the field of internal affairs, means that the Republic of Moldova is recognized as a producer of security for the European space, forming, together with EU member states, a fortified security belt.

The hub will support Moldova’s specific needs in the field of internal security and border management, including through EU funding instruments. The focus will be on firearms trafficking, illegal migrant trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime and drug trafficking.

“Immediately after the start of the establishment, the first meeting of the security HUB took place. The first meeting of the Hub took place in Prague on 11 July and was chaired by the Deputy Director General of DG Home, Olivier Onidi, and the EU Ambassador to Chisinau, Jānis Mažeiks. The meeting was attended by members of European agencies (Frontex and Europol), and from EU Member States as well as a team of specialists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova. The central theme of the meeting was the trafficking of weapons and ammunition “, the minister declared.

The meeting started with the presentation of risk analyzes to identify synergies and common points of action. At the same time, new financing lines have been identified, which the Republic of Moldova can access only in partnership with EU member states.

Spain and Romania stated that they will initiate the project files in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Moldova, being possible to equip the HUB with the technique, until the end of the year.

In conclusion, the signatory parties agreed that the next meetings would take place in August and September, focusing on human trafficking and cybercrime.

“With the opening of the HUB in Chisinau, we will have more technology, access to operational data, more intense exchange of information, access to funds allocated for the activities of the HUB, other than those with which we already operate. In addition, the existence of the HUB in Chisinau will be an element that will weigh heavily in the assessments for our country’s accession to the EU. We will already be working with European instruments. This means confidence, knowledge and skills, which will be strengthened day by day. The field of public security and the field of internal affairs will already function according to the models and standards of the EU’s internal affairs system “, Ana Revenco underlined.

The Security HUB is an operational mechanism that will operate in Chisinau and will host regular meetings between EU representatives, European agencies, EU Member States and Moldovan authorities to support cooperation in the field of internal security and border management. It is flexible because it has to respond in real time to existing needs and overcome the current bureaucratic mechanisms and procedures that delay operations in the fight against organized crime. The HUB will operate in hybrid format, online and in Chisinau, through regular meetings, which will be co-chaired by the EU and Moldova. With each meeting of the Hub, operational actions will be facilitated, such as launching investigations or specific training.

The EU Delegation to Moldova, which covers DG HOME and DG JUST, will facilitate the operation of the Hub and provide logistical support. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will contribute with specialists and knowledge, which it will share with the resources provided by the Member States and the Agencies. There will also be interdisciplinary teams. Depending on the topics and operations, it will be possible to delegate from 4 to up to 50 specialists, who will work in operational activities.

The members of the Hub will be representatives of European agencies, EU Member States, Moldovan authorities, (a Europol expert, a Frontex representative, an EUBAM representative, a representative of each Member State, representatives of DG Home, DG Near, as well as employees of internal affairs system of the Republic of Moldova).

As part of the comprehensive EU support package for Moldova, the Hub’s objectives are to increase and pool the support that the EU and Member States provide to the Republic of Moldova in order to strengthen its law enforcement and border management capabilities. (creating synergies and avoiding duplication of actions). Also, the unique coordination of the instruments and support measures of the EU and the Member States granted to the Republic of Moldova on the segment of internal security and border management will be achieved. It will also provide opportunities for access through cooperation mechanisms in the exchange of information, analysis and operational cooperation with Europol, Frontex in border management and in particular for the detection of firearms trafficking, with the EU Border Assistance Mission in Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) on the border segment and in particular in combating trafficking in human beings and operational action through the European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats (EMPACT).

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