Boosting Moldova: Siegfried Mureșan Pushes for Enhanced EU Support in 2024

In a recent proposal, Romanian MEP Siegfried Mureșan has advocated for greater European assistance to the Republic of Moldova in 2024 by suggesting a revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework.

“The EU’s budget proposal for 2024 covers traditional European priorities, which are significant for Romania, such as cohesion and agriculture. However, we need to revise the Multiannual Financial Framework to provide more support to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova and to finance unforeseen priorities,” stated the official.

The European parliamentarian emphasized that supporting Ukraine and Moldova would contribute to peace, security, and stability within all 27 EU member states. He highlighted that the current budget proposal limits the financial resources available to the Union.


“With the current budget proposal, the financial resources available to the European Union are limited for all these new priorities and any potential unforeseen expenses that may arise in the coming year. My objective is to identify new resources to allocate sufficient funding to all these priorities,” he affirmed.

Siegfried Mureșan, the Romanian MEP, has been appointed as the Chief Negotiator of the European Parliament for the European Union’s budget for 2024. He stated that supporting Moldova is one of his top priorities in this role.

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