Breaking news! Chisinau International Airport under blizzard: several flights delayed or canceled

Heavy snowfall this morning has disrupted air traffic and several flights due to land or take off from Chisinau International Airport are experiencing delays.

In the take-off section, delays were reported on flights Chisinau-Istanbul, Chisinau-Frankfurt, Chisinau-Baku. Similarly, flights that have already taken off have also recorded significant delays. These are Chisinau-Antalya, Chisinau-Shar El Sheikh, Chisinau-Bucuresti. The Chisinau-Bucuresti flight at 05:25 was cancelled.


As for arrivals, the online board of Chisinau International Airport looks like this. The Dublin-Chisinau flight, due to land at 04:30, did not arrive in Moldova until 05:23 Similarly, another Dublin-Chisinau flight was delayed. Meanwhile, the Sharm El Sheikh-Chisinau flight was due to land half an hour later than scheduled.

The situation is worse for the Yerevan-Chisinau flight, scheduled for 13:00. The plane will not land in the Moldovan capital until 15:30.

On AIC’s official website, you will find a table of arrivals and departures with information about flight delays or cancellations. Please also contact the operator from whom you bought your tickets for your trip.

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