The municipal sanitation operator will contract services for sorting household waste accumulated daily in the city, in order to make the integrated waste management system more efficient. A decision in this regard was recently approved by the Chisinau Municipal Council.
According to the approved decision, the CMC expressed its agreement for ÃŽ.M. Regia “Autosalubritate” to contract sorting services for a period of five years. In this regard, the profile operator will draw up the specifications and conduct a public tender for the purchase of municipal solid waste sorting services.

The project will allow the following:
- fulfilling the provisions of the Waste Law, which obliges the municipal sanitation operator to sort and recycle the waste discharged from the city’s storage platforms, the target being set at 30%;
- reducing the volume of waste stored at the Șânțareni landfill;
- developing the waste sorting culture at the source;
- the possibility to show the finality of the sorted waste;
- the development of the circular economy.
The adopted decision comes to implement the municipality’s vision in the field, presented at the Chisinau Economic Forum 2022.
At the same time, the CMC also recently voted on the Decision regarding the construction of an active degassing system at the temporary waste landfill in Uzinelor street, Ciocana sector, conserved since 2017.
The project will allow the production of electricity for the operation of the landfill facilities (buildings, Leachate Treatment Station, and Waste Transfer Station), and the additional amount, as appropriate, will be able to be injected into the national electricity supply network.