Chisinau might end up without tap water and sanitation in November

The municipality of Chisinau’s supply of water and sewage may be interrupted in November. Irina Gutnic, the CEO of Apa-Canal, made such a statement as the Chisinau Municipal Council was discussing new proposed rate adjustments yesterday, October 27.

“With regret, I want to inform you that the state of emergency is not only in terms of energy but also in the field of water supply and sewage. In November, there is an increased risk that the water and sewerage supply to the residents of Chisinau and the suburbs served by the operator Apă-Canal Chisinau will be stopped. The precarious financial situation in which Apa-Canal Chisinau is today is the result of a tariff that does not even remotely cover the operator’s operational costs and obligations. For this reason, it is imperative to find solutions to restore the company financially”, said Irina Gutnic.

According to the head of “Apă-Canal”, the complicated situation started as early as 2015.


“Why in 2015? Because precisely this year the impact of a loan contracted by Apa-Canal Chisinau from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and from the European Investment Bank under certain conditions, which are unfeasible, began to be felt. In 2013, two loan agreements were concluded with the two banks, each worth 24 million euros. Under normal conditions, such contracts are signed at the level of the Government or the APL. The conditions imposed by the banks could not be respected from the start by Apa-Canal Chisinau, which created this financial situation. Failure to meet the conditions imposed by the contracted banks cost the company 17.5 million lei in penalties. The main reason for repayment of loans is the non-adjustment of prices. “, added she.

The current tariff for the domestic consumer is 8.65 lei for water and 2.04 for sewage.

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