Chisinau’s response to Beleakov’s request for the deployment of peacekeepers on the right bank of the Dniester was as follows: Manifestly provocative statement

Oleg Beleakov, Tiraspol’s representative in the Unified Control Commission (CUC), wants a peacekeeping post on the right bank of the Dniester. The Reintegration Office says this is provocative. In a message sent at the request of Realitatea editorial staff, the officials said they would present their arguments at the next meeting with separatist officials.

“It is a potentially provoking and perhaps not fully accurate statement, which may not fully align with the expectations of the majority of the inhabitants on both banks of the Dniester, who would prefer unhindered movement and not new artificial barriers, which could potentially contravene fundamental human rights. The Moldovan delegation to the Unified Control Commission will present its arguments at the next meeting of the Commission,” the statement said.


The separatists in Tiraspol want a peacekeeping mission on the right bank of the Dniester. The request was sent to the Unified Control Commission (CUC), with the pretext being the protection of the Dubasari power plant.

The request was also justified in light of regional security issues that could affect Moldova, Transnistria and Ukraine. Beleakov also stated that the peacekeepers would not allow unauthorised persons access to the territory of the Dubasari power plant.

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