Collective Decision on EU Accession: Moldova, Ukraine, and Bosnia and Herzegovina to Move Forward Together, claims MEP Tudorache

The decision regarding the opportunity to start EU accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova is eminently a political one. This is stated by Romanian Member of the European Parliament, Dragoș Tudorache, who mentioned that the decision of the European Council in December will not only concern Moldova but also Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the European official, some member states have not yet reached a consensus on Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which poses certain risks for the Republic of Moldova, as reported by IPN.

Romanian MEP Dragoș Tudorache states that the decision to commence accession negotiations will be taken collectively for the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although the recommendation of the European Commission is important, he emphasizes that it is not decisive.

“The final decision belongs to the European Council, and it is fundamentally a political decision. The European Commission’s report is a necessary and important precondition, sending a clear political message from the European Executive. However, the decision of the European Council involves all considerations; everything is on the table. It’s not an analysis specific to Moldova alone. From the beginning, there was a joint decision for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Still, Bosnia and Herzegovina were added to the European Commission’s report to send a clear signal to the Balkan states. Therefore, it is a complex decision that the European Council is expected to make in December, and from the complexity of this decision, potential risks arise,” said Romanian MEP Dragoș Tudorache.


According to European officials, there is no consensus in European capitals regarding the opportunity to start accession negotiations with Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dragoș Tudorache mentions that, according to all signals, the Republic of Moldova is privileged in this regard.

“There is no consensus; capitals are still working to refine their position until December. Some have doubts about the opportunity for Bosnia to be in this package. Others have reservations about the timing and schedule concerning Ukraine. Honestly, I haven’t heard doubts about Moldova, which is a good thing, but the decision will concern all three states. That’s why there are still political matters to be settled before then,” the European official added.

The final decision regarding the potential start of EU accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova will be made during the European Council meeting on December 14-16, which will take place in Brussels.

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