Czechia’s Support to Strengthen Phytosanitary Control and Testing in Moldova

The phytosanitary control and testing capabilities of the Republic of Moldova will be improved with the support of the Czech government. In this regard, a mission of Czech experts is in Chișinău from September 4th to 8th. The first meeting took place at the ministry to finalize the concept of the assistance project, which will be implemented starting next year.

The parties have established that the main actions of the project will focus on: equipping the Central Phytosanitary Laboratory with laboratory equipment, accessories, and reagents; training specialists from the Laboratory in new laboratory diagnostic techniques and the testing of new organisms; developing a digital application for phytosanitary monitoring of plants and plant pests; training ANSA inspectors in conducting phytosanitary checks, applying new methodologies and techniques.

Furthermore, the Mission is willing to subject national regulatory acts to expertise in order to formulate recommendations for aligning our legislation with European Union provisions.


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