Daniel Voda: “The “Mir” payment system cannot work on the territory of Moldova”

The payment system “Mir,” which, as Eugenia Gutsul promises to the Gagauz citizens, will allow pensioners and public sector employees to receive supplements to pensions and salaries, cannot work on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. It was stated by the government’s press secretary, Daniel Voda.

The government spokesman added that the initiative is unlikely to be successful. At the same time, according to Voda, the Gagauz people have already seen that local government representatives cannot fulfill their promises.

“There are absolutely irresponsible politicians who make only empty promises and deceive the native people. (…) We should all work to achieve unity. Let’s not be impressed by empty promises that will not produce concrete results. (…) It is an initiative that has no chance of success,” the official assured.


The Bashkan of Gagauzia, Eugenia Gutsul, and the PAG chairman, Dmitri Konstantinov, were on a working visit to Moscow. They signed an agreement on cooperation between Gagauzia and Russia’s Promsvyazbank.

PJSC “Promsvyazbank” Chairman Petr Fradkov said that the parties “will cooperate on the provision of banking services to individuals to ensure the realization of humanitarian goals, exchange information for the preparation of projects in the areas of humanitarian cooperation, including for the provision of banking services, implement activities to improve financial literacy, etc.”

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