Decisions before the Summit: Border Police will exercise minimal control over official delegations

The border police will exercise minimal control upon the arrival of official delegations in the Republic of Moldova. The list of members will be sent in advance to the responsible persons of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI)

The relevant government decree was adopted on Wednesday. Foreign officials will enjoy these privileges both upon arrival and upon departure from the country.

“The adoption of this draft decision by the government will provide an opportunity to optimize the activities and processes carried out by the Border Police, eliminate the existing regulatory vacuum, as well as borrow international best practices, including those applied by the member states of the European Union,” the project statement says.

The authorities also believe that the introduction of a minimum control mechanism for these categories of persons will contribute to the consolidation of efforts in the field of international cooperation, at the same time reflecting the openness of the Republic of Moldova to the continuous development of the European concept of integrated border management.

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