Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration: “We have the deepest and closest relations with the EU in Moldova’s modern history”

Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Cristina Gherasimov, addressed recent developments regarding Moldova’s European agenda during a press conference at the government’s headquarters. Gherasimov announced the commencement of the initial technical phase for Moldova’s accession to the European Union, focusing on the assessment of national legislation in comparison to EU standards. This critical phase was launched in Brussels on February 7th, as reported by the government’s communication department.

“This process is extensive, requiring concerted efforts and expertise across 33 distinct chapters. Our task is to meticulously scrutinize our legal framework against that of the EU, identifying any disparities,” remarked Gherasimov. “Moldova’s aspiration to join the European Union, and thereby integrate into a community founded on principles of peace, democracy, and freedom, is a national priority. The success of this endeavor hinges significantly on the quality of our domestic efforts, in collaboration with the broader society. At present, Moldova enjoys the strongest and most profound relationship with the EU in its modern history.”

Gherasimov disclosed that on February 21st and 22nd, a governmental delegation would revisit Brussels to conduct an initial review of EU legislation pertaining to justice and fundamental rights.


“Our evaluation commences with the chapter on Justice, as it serves as the cornerstone of our negotiations for accession. Progress towards EU integration is contingent upon the establishment of a robust judicial system and the consolidation of the rule of law,” she emphasized. “A European Moldova necessitates a judicial system where the rule of law prevails, ensuring equality before the law and uniformity in its application. This is the vision we aspire to realize.”

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