Deputy Prime Minister Popescu Discusses Moldova’s Progress on EU Recommendations

Moldova has sent the latest updates to Brussels regarding the implementation of the nine recommendations from the European Commission, ahead of the EU enlargement report scheduled to be made public at the end of October 2023.

Moldova’s progress in meeting the nine conditions was discussed by Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, with Gert Jan Koopman, the Director-General of the Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations of the EU.

During the phone conversation, Deputy Prime Minister Popescu noted that the EU enlargement report “will mark a historic milestone, reflecting Moldova for the first time,” expressing hope that the decision to initiate the negotiation process for EU accession will be positive for our republic.

“Since obtaining candidate country status, we have achieved numerous significant milestones and efficiently implemented most of the recommendations received. We have also discussed the next steps we need to take before the final decision of the European Council in December 2023. We are optimistic and hope that, thanks to our achievements, we will receive a positive decision to start the negotiation process with the EU,” stated Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu.


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