ECHR condemns Moldova. Our country will pay thousands of euros to a prisoner who did not receive medical assistance

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has condemned the Republic of Moldova for allegedly failing to provide medical assistance to a prisoner with mental health problems. The case concerns Vasilii Nitsu, to whom our country will pay €6,500, equivalent to more than 123,000 lei. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) announced the decision on Tuesday, 11 June, Promo-LEX reports.

The plaintiff claimed that the lack of adequate medical care led to his injury and the frequent use of force against him by prison staff.

“Vasilii Nitsu, who was serving his sentence in penitentiary No. 13 in Chisinau, was diagnosed upon admission with an unstable psycho-emotional state and organic personality disorder, impulsive type, emotionally inhibited, with low frustration tolerance and manipulative behavior. During 2012-2016, a prison psychiatrist consulted him only occasionally, and he did not receive adequate psychological and psychiatric treatment to reduce his aggressiveness and protect him from the negative effects of his actions on his mental and physical health,” Promo-LEX also reports.


According to the same source, Vasilii was often aggressive towards other detainees and guards, insulting them and threatening them with violence and death. In such cases, guards had to intervene to calm him down, sometimes using force and handcuffs.

The Court noted that in the applicant’s case, medical treatment consisted of supervision, occasional discussions with a psychologist, and the medications prescribed. However, there was no systemic approach to providing him with specialized psychological and psychiatric treatment.

“This judgment underlines the importance of ensuring adequate medical treatment for prisoners with mental health problems and respect for human rights within the prison system. The Republic of Moldova is obliged to take measures to improve detention conditions and ensure compliance with international standards on the treatment of prisoners,” said Promo-LEX lawyer Vadim Vieru.

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