Educational institution with green energy. Project funded by the EU

650 students and teachers from the “Ion Vatamanu” Theoretical High School in the city of Străseni will benefit from clean energy generated by solar panels and better insulation of the building. These measures will significantly reduce gas bills for local authorities and improve the quality of life for citizens. The objective was modernized within the project “Construction of water supply and sewerage infrastructure, as well as Energy Efficiency in public buildings”, funded by the European Union.

The prime minister, Natalia Gavrilița, also participated in the inauguration event.

Natalia Gavrilita

In her speech, the Prime Minister specified that the Government will continue to invest massively in the national educational system, but also in measures to increase the energy efficiency of public institutions.

“Our goal is to ensure a modern educational system, accessible to every child, with relevant subjects and opportunities for continuous development for every child. Schools and kindergartens in the country are eligible for the “European Village” national program, so that, so far, 106 projects have been approved that provide for the capital repair or modernization of some educational institutions. For the financing of these projects, 388.74 million lei were allocated from the National Fund for Regional and Local Development for the years 2022-2023. This means that thousands of children and teachers from these educational institutions will be able to enjoy better training conditions”, declared Gavrilița.

Jānis Mažeiks

Present at the event, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, Jānis Mažeiks, reiterated the support of the European Union in the process of strengthening national energy security.

“Energy efficiency is now more important than ever and we are happy, in the spirit of solidarity, to step up our efforts to mitigate the impact of the energy crisis. The European Union has been supporting the ecological transition in the Republic of Moldova for a long time in order to increase energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with the European Green Pact” stated Jānis Mažeiks.

Margret Uebber

“The project to improve the energy efficiency of the Theoretical High School “Ion Vatamanu” in the municipality of Strășeni represents the close and effective cooperation between the EU, Germany and Moldova, together with the local regional development structures. The project was accompanied by capacity building and energy management measures supported by the German government. They will certainly create a much better environment for the development and growth of generations of students”, said the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic of Moldova, Margret Uebber.


As part of the EU-funded project, the roof was renovated and the walls of the building were insulated, the boiler and heating system were rehabilitated and the photovoltaic system was installed to produce electricity. The institution was also provided with hot water and new sanitary blocks. The total value of the energy efficiency works of the “Ion Vatamanu” Theoretical High School in the municipality of Strășeni is about 1.3 million euros, of which 1.2 million euros were offered by the EU as a non-refundable grant and 100,000 euros – local contribution . The implementation of the project was ensured by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ Moldova), in partnership with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

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