Enhancing Economic Prosperity: The Impact of Romania’s EU Accession on Moldova’s Development

The accession of Romania to the European Union has brought advantages to the economy of the Republic of Moldova. This opinion is expressed by Daniela Șerban, the President of the Romanian Association for Investor Relations. The statement was made during the “Global Impact” show on TVR Moldova.

“First and foremost, Moldova is at the EU border, so the first advantage is that of location. We have benefited from strengthened security at the EU borders, if we refer to a primary aspect. A second aspect is that the EU serves as a gateway for Moldovan products, either by collaborating directly with Romania or by exporting from Romania further. In practice, the economic development of Romania has pulled along with it the economic development of Moldova. We can see here the growth of various branches of the economy – whether we are talking about trade, industry, or the financial-banking market,” stated Daniela Șerban.


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