EU Parliament President Calls for Accession Talks with Moldova and Ukraine, Hoping to Fulfill European Dreams

The President of the European Parliament hopes that the EU will decide to open accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine. Metsola asserts that otherwise, the EU would disappoint “millions of people who consider Europe to be their home,”.

The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, hopes that the EU will open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova by the end of the year, urging that the hopes of these candidate countries should not be dashed.

“If Ukraine and Moldova are ready, accession negotiations should be able to begin, and steps could be taken gradually. Each country is on its own path, but let’s not disappoint the millions of people who consider Europe to be their home,” she urged.

The President of the European Parliament has consistently shown her support for Ukraine and its accession to the EU. She was the first representative of a EU institution to visit Kyiv in April 2022, following the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

In June 2022, the EU granted Ukraine candidate status for accession, in a highly symbolic move, alongside Moldova. However, it denied Georgia this status, demanding more reforms from Tbilisi.

The EU executive is set to present a report at the end of October on the progress made by Ukraine and Moldova and decide whether to open accession negotiations before the 27 member states address the issue at the mid-December Brussels summit.

Five Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) also have candidate country status. Some of them have been engaged in accession negotiations, in some cases for more than ten years. Negotiations with Turkey have been stalled for several years.


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