European Commissioner for Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn: “Moldova is an important partner for us, that’s why we want a prosperous Moldova in the EU”

Moldova holds a crucial position as our ally, and we are deeply committed to seeing a prosperous Moldova integrated into the European Union. European Commissioner for Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn echoed this sentiment today as he addressed the commencement of the official Europe Day celebrations at the Grand National Assembly Square in Chisinau.

Highlighting the indispensable role of the European Union in fostering stability and prosperity across the continent, Commissioner Hahn emphasized the significance of Moldova’s journey towards European Union membership.

“Grateful for the opportunity to celebrate alongside the people of Moldova, I extend our steadfast support to the Republic of Moldova as it advances towards European Union accession. While the road ahead may present challenges, be assured that the EU stands prepared to provide all necessary aid for the betterment of Moldova’s citizens,” stressed Johannes Hahn.


Commissioner Hahn’s presence in Chisinau on Europe Day was at the invitation of President Maia Sandu. Together, they delivered speeches at the inauguration of the Europe Day festivities, reaffirming their unwavering commitment to Moldova’s European aspirations.

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