European Commissioner for Economics Paolo Gentiloni will arrive in Chisinau

European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Paolo Gentiloni will visit the Republic of Moldova on July 6-7. This was stated on July, 5 after a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers by government spokesman Daniel Voda.

In Chisinau, Paolo Gentiloni will meet with President Maia Sandu, Speaker Igor Grosu, Prime Minister Dorin Recean, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Nicu Popescu, and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization Dumitru Alaiba.

“There are other meetings on the agenda of the European official, which will be announced in the coming days,” said Daniel Voda.

“Closer cooperation with the EU in economic terms will be the subject of discussions between Moldovan officials and European Commissioner for Economics Paolo Gentiloni. Cooperation, and on the possibilities of supporting our country in the process of consolidating the economy in the context of a difficult geopolitical situation and the impact of the war in a neighboring state,” the government representative explained.

A press conference by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Paolo Gentiloni is scheduled for July 6 at 17:40.

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