European Moldova National Assembly to be held on 21 May in Chisinau and simultaneously in 33 other European cities

European Moldova National Assembly will be held on May 21 in the Great National Assembly Square in Chisinau and 33 other European cities. Secretary General of the Government Artur Mija.

“The assembly is apolitical, and we urge all citizens to participate to show that power in the Republic of Moldova belongs to the people. The European Moldova Assembly will take place at the same time in Chisinau and in 33 other European capitals and cities, where our diaspora will be with us to say with one voice that Moldova wants to be a member of the EU. If you are outside the country, you can find the places where Moldovans will gather on the map, placed on the website,” he said.

The event will start at 11:00 a.m., and citizens who want to support Moldova’s European integration can attend it. The event will last a few hours and will consist of two parts. The first will include addresses to the citizens, and in the second part, an artistic program will be organized.

In early April, President Maia Sandu launched the initiative to convene the European Moldova National Assembly on 21 May in the center of the capital.

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