Exclusively at Castel Mimi: Unmissable Performers You Can’t See in Varnița and Bulboaca

Constantin Mimi Foundation Presents the Detailed Agenda of the VinOpera International Classical Music Festival. Exceptional Program Every Day – Varnița, Bulboaca, and Castel Mimi.

In Varnița, on August 30, you have the great privilege to be part of an exceptional recital, where alternative rock meets the “Gândul Mâței Band” of Nicu Țărnă, and the folklore collected from across the country by Nicolae Gribincea and the Ethnofolkloric Ensemble “Plăieșii.” A true spectacle is anticipated on the Varnița stage, with free access for all admirers of these two musical formations.

The following day, on August 31, everyone is invited to Bulboaca, where Maestro Constantin Moscovici will deliver a recital that will evoke memories for everyone, regardless of musical preferences. Famous international melodies from various genres, such as rock, folk, and classical music, will resonate from the panpipes. The evening will conclude with a recital by Felicia Dunaf and the “Dunaff Band,” offering a blend of well-known songs in English and Romanian, both modern and old, legendary tunes that have become domestic hits, but reinterpreted and stylized, like “Amor, amor, tăcut amor.”

The climax of the VinOpera International Festival will be on September 1 at Castel Mimi, where an impressive number of over 60 musicians from Romania and the Republic of Moldova will deliver a grand symphonic spectacle. Two orchestras – the National Opera Orchestra of Bucharest and the “Serghei Lunchevici” Philharmonic Orchestra from Chișinău – come together for the audiences of the Republic of Moldova and foreign tourists who come to our country year after year.

The esteemed Romanian conductor Daniel Jinga will seamlessly synchronize the musicians of the two orchestras with the opera soloists, laureates of international competitions:

  • Iordache Basalic, baritone and soloist at the National Opera of Bucharest, who adores Mozart’s Figaro role and comes to Moldova after multiple tours in Europe and Asia.
  • Mădălina Barbu, a soprano with exceptional vocal qualities, falls into the rare category of coloratura sopranos, her unmistakable voice often compared to that of a nightingale.
  • Our fellow Moldovan, Lilia Istratii, former mezzo-soprano at the “Maria Bieșu” National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Chișinău, currently a soprano at the Romanian Opera in Craiova and a finalist in several global competitions, including the prestigious “Operalia,” initiated and sponsored by the great tenor Placido Domingo.
  • Tenor Dumitru Mîțu, Merited Artist of the Republic of Moldova and member of the Brio Sonores ensemble, garnered worldwide press attention for his unique vocal qualities, after being hailed as the phenomenon of the 2023 “SWR Junge Opernstars International Competition,” held earlier this year in Germany.


For the gala recital at Castel Mimi, an entrance ticket is required. Further details can be found by visiting the Facebook pages of the Constantin Mimi Foundation and Castel Mimi.

The VinOpera International Festival was recognized as the best European wine event in 2022, by ITERVITIS of the Council of Europe, and the “Event of the Year 2021” in the “Enogastronomic Event” category by the Wine Travel Awards.

The 2023 VinOpera International Classical Music Festival is organized by the Constantin Mimi Foundation with financial support from the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova of the Romanian Government, the Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chișinău, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, and Castel Mimi.

We invite you all to experience unique emotions and let yourselves be carried away by the magic of classical music on September 1 at Castel Mimi, our country’s most beautiful tourist attraction.”

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