Farmers are threatening protests if the authorities do not respond to their demands. The members of the Board of Directors of the Moldova Fruct Association of the National Federation of Farmers from Moldova and the Forța Farmers Association have repeatedly requested a repeated meeting with Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița and the Minister of Finance, Dumitru Budianschi.

According to the Associations, the public authorities “so far have not come up with deadlines for the implementation of measures to support the affected farmers”.

The request comes after today they met in a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture and the general director of ANRE, in order to identify compromises to remedy pressing problems in the agricultural field. The associations proposed to discuss the common claims, voted unanimously at the meeting on September 5, which are to be legislated by the decision of the Commission of the Exceptional Situation
Thus, they proposed the following:
- postponement of payments due to creditors without calculating penalties for affected farmers (except lease payments for agricultural land);
- granting fiscal facilities to the affected agricultural producers, in particular granting the right to use VAT from the account for the payment of taxes and contributions;
- addressing external partners to identify financial resources in order to pay compensation to affected farmers in the amount of at least 3,000 lei per affected hectare, either as a monetary reward or in the form of diesel/fertilizers, and compensation to fruit growers of at least 2 lei per kg of apples sold to processing companies or to export to alternative markets.