Maia Sandu demands harsher actions for combating information leaks

The progress but also the obstacles encountered in the justice act, as well as combating and counteracting acts of terrorism. These were the topics discussed at today’s meeting of the Supreme Security Council (CSS), where the president of the country demanded harsher punishments for those which admit leaking information from files as well as disciplinary and criminal sanctions for magistrates, who intentionally delay the pronouncement of decisions on certain cases.

Maia Sandu stated that the phenomenon of information leaks harms the investigation and proves that there is corruption in the investigation groups.

“Insufficient documentation on certain criminal cases can discredit the investigation. We also discussed at today’s CSS meeting the subject of the finality of the grand corruption cases. When rumors appear, followed by televised justice, then the arrest, which is delayed, and finality no longer exists, people lose hope in fair justice. The judicial system also has its effect here. We discussed the need to introduce legislative changes to prevent delays in defense cases. The General Prosecutor’s Office told us that currently 7 billion lei are being seized, but we told them that they must be confiscated, not just seized. To this end we discussed the strengthening of ARBI. We talked about the need to change the legislation on the limitation period, because judges intentionally delay some trials so that the person can no longer be convicted in the end”, said Sandu.


Regarding acts of terrorism, cataloged including the recent false bomb alerts, Maia Sandu announced that a new mechanism will be used to intervene, which will involve three levels of alert.

“The responsible institutions have prepared a new joint risk review mechanism. Thus, the SIS jointly with the MAI will use three levels of alert depending on the imposed situation. We also talked about more drastic sanctions for those who launch such false alerts,” said Sandu.

We specify that, since the morning, the CSS convened in session. The head of state’s briefing was planned for 1:30 p.m., but it was extended by two hours.

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