Five MPs from PAS and one from PSRM traveled to the USA to exchange experience

Five MPs from the parliamentary majority and one from the opposition went to the United States on a study visit, the press service of the Legislative Body reported.

From June 3 to June 14, the MPs will exchange professional experience in Washington and Raleigh, North Carolina. The visit is within the exchange program “Open World,” financed and organized by the USA Congress and the USA Embassy in Moldova in cooperation with the American Councils for International Education in Moldova.

The program will strengthen the cooperation between the USA and Moldova through the professional experience exchange in different fields and interaction with American political leaders.


The delegation was composed of Vasile Gradinaru, vice chairman of the Legal Commission for Appointments and Immunities; Valentina Manic – vice chairman of the Commission for Economy, Budget and Finance; Viorel Barda, secretary of the Commission for Agriculture and Food Industry; Boris Marcoci, member of the Commission for National Security, Defense, and Public Order, and Nicolai Rusol, member of the Commission for Human Rights and Interethnic Relations.

The program organizers cover the expenses related to the trip to the USA.

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