For the first time, Moldova acquired natural gas through the reverse flow mechanism

The Republic of Moldova imported natural gas through the reverse system, from West to East, announced the Minister of Infrastructure, Andrei Spînu.

“On Wednesday, Energocom procured 5.6 million cubic meters of natural gas, which were transferred through the Budnice delivery point in Slovakia, on the border with Ukraine. They complement the reserve stocks that Energocom makes to ensure the Republic of Moldova with the natural gas requirements for this winter and contribute to the energy independence of our country. The current stocks of natural gas, carried out by Energocom, have currently reached 157 million m3, which would be enough for approximately one winter month”, says Andrei SpĂ®nu.

The president of Moldovagaz, Vadim Ceban, announced that for November, Gazprom confirmed the daily volume of delivered gas of 5.7 million cubic meters. Gas volumes delivered were reduced by 30%.


The tariffs for the population remain, for now, at 29.26 lei per cubic meter as a result of the financial deviations accumulated by Moldovagaz during the year. The price of methane at the Amsterdam hub is estimated at USD 821.5 per thousand cubic meters.

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