Former US ambassador Derek Hogan “returns home”. What is the purpose of the visit?

Former US Ambassador Derek Hogan arrived yesterday in the Republic of Moldova, where he claims that feels “at home”. This time, he is making an official visit as First Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

“It is a great pleasure to return home. I feel that way. To start this strategic dialogue, I want to thank you once again for this opportunity”, said the ex-ambassador during a conference held alongside Nicu Popescu.

According to the Foreign Minister from Chisinau, Nicu Popescu, the main topics that will be discussed during the meetings include security, strengthening the rule of law and good governance, regional stability, and economic cooperation. Both officials referred to the war in Ukraine and its consequences for our country.

“This occasion is also an important moment to thank our American friends for the essential support provided by the United States to our country in the context of the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Including financial assistance worth over 300 million dollars that was offered to minimize and reduce the negative impact on our country”, declared Popescu.


The officials also referred to the Biden-Sandu meeting in Warsaw and the reform agenda. Hogan reiterated the message of the American president, who said in Poland that Moldovans want to live freely and in peace.

The embassy reported that meetings were scheduled for today, Wednesday, March 15. The official delegation includes Lisa Johnson, First Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL); Laura Cooper, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia; Brigadier General Daniel T. Lasika; USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Europe and Eurasia Office Mark Simakovsky; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Academic Programs at the Office of Educational and Cultural Affairs Ethan Rosenzweig; Director for Europe, Office for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) Tom Selinger; Peace Corps Regional Director for Europe, Mediterranean and Asia Rebecca Sharp and other representatives of the US government.

“This meeting offers the United States and the Republic of Moldova an opportunity to intensify cooperation on key issues, including economic empowerment and energy sustainability, advancing the rule of law and good governance, combating security and cyber threats, and further developing interpersonal ties”, announced the diplomatic mission in a statement.

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