Forum on “Boosting the Absorption of European Funds by the Republic of Moldova – EU Candidate Country” Organized by the Parliament of Romania

In an event scheduled for January 17, 2024, the 11th edition of the forum “Boosting the Absorption of European Funds by the Republic of Moldova – EU Candidate Country” will take place at the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Romania. The hosts of this event are the deputies Sorin Năcuţă and Daniel Gheorghe, as reported by Agerpres.

The purpose of this event, organized by the Chamber of Deputies in partnership with IDEP, is to identify the most suitable ways to support the authorities of the Republic of Moldova in their European Integration efforts by establishing interinstitutional partnerships. These partnerships aim to boost the absorption rate of European funds (e.g., the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance), adopting best practices from counterparts in Romania.


The secretariat for this event will be provided by IDEP Moldova, an apolitical organization recognized at the national, regional, and European levels for its impactful initiatives discussed with key actors in European and regional public policies during high-level debates. IDEP anticipated the submission of the application for EU accession in March 2022 and the EU’s acceptance in June 2022. Subsequently, starting in January 2022, IDEP organized various activities monthly with the declared goal of boosting the absorption rate of European Funds by institutions in the Republic of Moldova.

These activities included project management training courses attended by numerous employees from both the public and private sectors in the Republic of Moldova. Additionally, forums for meetings, discussions, and partnerships were organized between September 2022 and August 2023, broadly titled “Boosting the Absorption of European Funds by the Republic of Moldova – EU Candidate Country.” Over 1000 key individuals from both sides of the Prut River participated in these events held in Paşcani, Budeşti, Arad, Iaşi, Vaslui, Bucharest, Bârlad, Baia Mare, Bacău, and Chișinău.

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