Great opportunity! Moldovan students can study at the European Institute

Young people from the Republic of Moldova can apply to the European Institute for a Master’s program in European Studies. The program, which offers structured knowledge about the fundamentals of the European Union, will last from October 2024 to August 2026.

The course targets professionals who want to balance study and work. The two-year program allows students to make a flexible schedule. Classes will take place in a hybrid format: online courses will be available on the e-learning platform, and eight face-to-face master classes will take place in Barcelona, Berlin, Budapest, Brussels, Nice, Rome, and Vienna. Experts from Europe will teach both online lessons and offline seminars.

In the first academic year, students will take required and elective interdisciplinary courses focusing on the foundations of European Studies.


The program offers advanced political science, economics, and EU law courses in the second year. At the end of the first semester, students will specialize in one of these three academic disciplines and choose a core course.

The program requires a bachelor’s degree and proficiency in English.

Upon completion of the program, graduates receive two certificates:

  • Master’s degree in EU Studies, equivalent to 60 ECTS credits.
  • The qualification “Policy Officer in European and International Organizations.”

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