Gutul intends to meet Sandu in court. The reason she is taking the President to court

Evghenia Gutul has announced that she intends to take Maia Sandu to court. It was declared that the President had violated her dignity during her statements to journalists at the conference on 18 March.

The governor of Gagauzia has accused the President of discrimination against the autonomy’s inhabitants and local politicians. According to Evghenia Gutul, the head of state does not respect the people’s right to choose.

“The election results have been recognized by all legal institutions of the Republic of Moldova. The Intelligence and Security Service and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, despite being controlled by Maia Sandu, have not challenged the conduct of the campaign or the results of the vote in court. All that remains are accusations, insults, envy, and attacks,” Gutul stated on social media.


Moreover, the bashcana asserts that all her actions are legal. “I demand Sandu answer to the law. Legal action will be taken against Maia Sandu for the false and defamatory statements made during the press conference on 18 March 2024, to protect her reputation,” says the governor of the Gagauz autonomy. The announcement made by Evghenia Gutul has not yet been commented on by the Presidency.

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