Secretary of State Vladimir Cuc hosted Ambassador Steven Fisher of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Moldova at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MAEIE) on the occasion of the conclusion of his mandate in our country.
The meeting was also attended by the designated Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to the United Kingdom, Ruslan Bolbocean.
The participants reviewed the key moments of Ambassador Fisher’s mandate, with a focus on strengthening the political and strategic partnership, both through high-level dialogue and cooperation in key sectors for the development of the Republic of Moldova, the promotion of good governance, and the consolidation of democracy.

Secretary of State Vladimir Cuc expressed his gratitude for the valuable support provided by the United Kingdom in managing the multiple crises caused by the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine, in the humanitarian dimension, as well as in countering hybrid attacks through assistance in combating disinformation and strategic communication, security, and defense.
At the end of the discussion, Secretary of State Vladimir Cuc awarded Ambassador Steven Fisher the “Diplomatic Merit” Medal, Class I. The distinction was conferred by the order of Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu as a sign of high appreciation for Ambassador Fisher’s substantial involvement in strengthening the strategic partnership and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.