Hybrid attacks will continue: Grosu about the risks for Moldova in 2024

There will be no military risks for Moldova in 2024, but the Kremlin’s hybrid attacks will continue. This was stated by Igor Grosu, chairman of the parliament and leader of the PAS.

According to him, Russia wants to disrupt Moldova’s European path and uses all the instruments of hybrid warfare against Moldova, but he is convinced that these threats can be countered with the support of state institutions and external partners.

“Thanks to the heroism of Ukrainians, we are protected from the danger of invasion by the Russian Federation, but we are not protected from the hybrid threats coming from it.” There have been embargoes and energy blackmail. In 2023, the Kremlin changed its strategy, joining forces with the bandits. And I say this with all responsibility. I have the impression that they no longer rely on the PSRM and their traditional parties. They took off their masks and allied themselves with bandits and organized crime. I think hybrid threats will continue in 2024, but we already have a kind of immunity. I mean more prepared security institutions. We have gained the trust of our European friends. We have opened negotiations. In soccer terms, we are in a different league. And we will be helped even more to face these threats,” he noted.


He also commented on Maia Sandu’s proposal to hold a referendum on European integration next fall.

“Opposition representatives have suggested organizing a referendum before. It has its purpose, but the election results are also important. Because all elections are a kind of referendum, after which you see how many people voted for a political option. I believe that this event will put an end to speculations about whether Moldovans want to join the European Union. I am convinced that Moldovans want to be part of this European family, a space of peace and well-being. This is a market with 500 million consumers and clear rules. Nobody blackmails you because they don’t like your wine or apple,” Grosu concluded.

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