Investigation Launched Against Head of Banking Subdivision in Moldova for Embezzling $135,000

The head of a subdivision within a commercial bank in the Republic of Moldova is currently under investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Center (CNA) in a case involving embezzlement of foreign assets. According to case materials, she is suspected of misappropriating $135,000 from the bank’s treasury, equivalent to over 2.3 million lei.

The criminal case was initiated on January 4, 2024, and yesterday searches were conducted at her residence to strengthen the evidence.

In essence, the woman is suspected of, under the guidance of individuals she allegedly met on a social network, abusing her position as the head of the cash operations section to embezzle the sum of $135,000. The suspect fully admits her guilt.

Currently, the woman is under investigation while remaining at liberty, with the prosecution being supervised by the Prosecutor’s Office of Chisinau Municipality.

It is important to note that every person is presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is pronounced.


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