It’s not enough for everyone! Moldova cannot ensure its milk consumption

The Republic of Moldova cannot ensure its milk consumption, under the conditions of an underdeveloped animal husbandry branch with low productivity, writes

“To cover its own milk consumption, the Republic of Moldova needs about 20 thousand cows, which we hope to have in two years. We currently have 16,400 and by the end of the year, we will surpass the figure of 17 thousand heads. But, we have to stop, because today there is a process of moving poorly productive animals into Peasant Farms. However, the ministry must come and change them into animals with high productivity”, explained the Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolea.

According to the minister, the number of cattle is currently increasing, but not the amount of milk. “It’s about the quality of these cattle. The animals that were purchased from individuals were of low productivity, therefore from January 1st the payments will be per liter of milk”.

“We have to modernize the branch, otherwise we can no longer exist. And here we are also talking about food security. We consume about 568 thousand liters of milk every month. Under the conditions of the farm, we produce about 30 thousand liters of milk, and we purchase 200 thousand liters from individuals”, Bolea pointed out.


Data from the National Bureau of Statistics reveal that in January-September 2022 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, there was a decrease in the production (growth) of cattle and poultry (in live weight) in households of all categories by 5.3%, which was generated by the decrease in production both in households and in agricultural enterprises, respectively, by 8.4% and by 2.4%.

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