Joe Biden, historic speech in Warsaw. Applause for President Maia Sandu

The US President, Joe Biden, addressed the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, during the speech delivered on Tuesday, February 21, in Warsaw, Poland, asking the audience to applaud her. The press service of the Presidency had not officially announced that our head of state would go there.

“Democracies around the world are stronger, not weaker. The world’s autocracies are weaker, not stronger. In times of turmoil, people understand what is important and what they need to fight for. People know it, you know it. In fact, you in Poland know better than anyone what solidarity means, and what it means to fight against oppression. We remember how Warsaw was destroyed in the Second World War and what Poland had to go through under the communist regime. And now people in other places, like Belarus, continue to fight for their democracy. We want the people of Moldova to live in freedom, and to gain their independence. Madam President Sandu, we are proud to stand with you. A round of applause for the lady president” said, Joe Biden.


We remind you that the leader of the White House scheduled this official visit to Poland, not before making a surprise visit to Kyiv, where he met with his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelenski. His program included: a meeting with President Andrzej Duda at the Presidential Palace; the extraordinary B9 meeting, a security format made up of nine countries on NATO’s eastern flank (Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary). In the evening, he delivered the above speech live.

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, reacted on her Twitter page after the US President, Joe Biden, asked the audience to applaud for her while he was giving a speech in Warsaw, as part of an event marking one year since the beginning of the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine.

At the same time, the president expressed her gratitude to the US leader and assured him that the Republic of Moldova values freedom.

“It was a privilege to listen to the historic speech in Warsaw. Moldova values freedom and we are committed to remaining part of the free world. My sincere gratitude to President Biden for his unwavering support for Moldova and for his solidarity with us” states the president’s message.

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