Last protest – evidence that some political parties oppose Moldova’s European course?

Sunday’s protest in The Great National Assembly Square (PMAN) was organized in the context of the European Union’s intention to give Moldova the status of a candidate country for accession. This is what the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) deputy, Virgiliu Pîslariuc, says, according to which the event was meant to destabilize the situation around the summit of the Council of the European Union from June 23-24. At the same time, the extra-parliamentary opposition is calling on state institutions to investigate how Sunday’s protest was funded.

Government officials say that through Sunday’s protest, some political parties have expressed their disagreement with the authorities’ decision to bring the country closer to the European Union, informs

According to the PAS deputy, Virgiliu Pîslariuc, the Șor Party tried to camouflage itself through the “A New Life” movement in order not to be held accountable before the law for the money spent on organizing the protest.

“Sunday’s hybrid protest is linked to the events taking place in Brussels, which aim at our country’s status as a candidate for accession. What is happening now is an attempt to destabilize, but also to show that the path that our state has taken is not to the liking of some political actors. They tried to avoid direct association with the Șor Party, because normally the Șor Party has to declare all these expenses “, said the PAS deputy, Virgiliu Pîslariuc, during the show “Cutia Neagră” from TV8.

Following the events on Sunday, a lot of money was spent on organizing the protest, and the current government is not as authoritarian as it is presented. Political commentator Anatol Țăranu mentioned this.

“During Plahotniuc’s time, if someone had tried to hire so many buses, he would not have succeeded. This means that both the central and the district level administration did not intervene. Enormous money has been spent on organizing such an event, and when the protests are organized on money, the question arises, who is the beneficiary? And it is clear that only Șor is so generous with money “, said the political commentator Anatol Țăranu.

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At the same time, the representatives of the extra-parliamentary opposition say that the Șor Party tried through an alleged apolitical rally to attract as many participants as possible.

Representatives of the DA Platform are asking the authorities to investigate how the people were brought to the protest and to check whether they have been bribed or not.

“They wanted to lie to the citizens, so that the people who are upset with the current government because of the very high prices would be lured to their protest, to show that there are many and they also came up with the idea of ​​a concert. I only calculated the costs of the concert, looking on the internet at what is the price of each performer. Kirkorov – 2 million lei, Egor Kreed – one million lei. And that’s just the price of the performers. The scene they wanted to install is 20 thousand euros. And as for the transport, it is strange to me that no attempt has been made to investigate who contracted means of transport, how were the people brought? I hope that FISC, CNA and SIS will investigate how this protest was financed “, said the ex-deputy of the DA Platform, Liviu Vovc.

According to organizers, 40,000 people attended Sunday’s PMAN protest. At the end of the protest, a resolution was adopted stating that “the attention of the entire country, but also of the international community, is drawn to the critical situation in which the Republic of Moldova has reached”. According to the organizers, the aim of the “New Life” movement is to get PAS to step down and hold early parliamentary elections.

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