Maia Sandu Promulgates Changes to the Electoral Code

Some members of the Şor Party cannot run for elections after Maia Sandu promulgated changes to the Electoral Code, which Parliament passed on October 4. The rules apply to individuals who are members of parties declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court.

If, at the time of the Constitutional Court’s ruling on the unconstitutionality of a political party, members of the party are suspected, accused, or indicted for committing crimes that the Court cited as an argument in the context of declaring the party unconstitutional, they will not be allowed to participate in the election.

This measure also applies to individuals who were excluded from a previous electoral process due to violations of transparent financing principles, and this fact was cited as a distinct argument in declaring the political party unconstitutional, as well as those guilty of committing acts that led to their inclusion in the international sanctions lists of international organizations or states.

The restriction will be applied for three years from the date of the Constitutional Court’s ruling on the unconstitutionality of a political party.


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