Maia Sandu: We will not give up the districts!

President Maia Sandu says that in the coming weeks the Government could come up with a concept of public administration reform, to submit to debates in society. The head of state says that the reform will not entail a renunciation of the territorial-administrative division of the country into districts, but a redirection of the prerogatives of the district councils to the town halls, notes IPN.

President Maia Sandu says that at all meetings with the mayors, the mayors express their dissatisfaction with the activity of the district councils, which they describe as inefficient. The head of state says that a public administration reform is imperative.

“Clearly there is inefficiency at the level of the district council, there is dissatisfaction among the town halls, the communities, because the money is not distributed fairly. For example, the European Village is a project that is not implemented based on political criteria. In the list of beneficiaries are the town halls that have mayors of all political colors, because we believe in competition. In the case of the district councils, we see the policy of previous governments when money is given according to political criteria and the mayors are dissatisfied”, said Maia Sandu in an interview for NordNews.


However, according to the president of the Republic of Moldova, the reform will not involve giving up the districts, as was circulated in the public space, but a redirection of the powers of the district councils to other entities.

“The government and Parliament are discussing how things could change. It’s not about giving up the district, because you can’t even give up the district because this structure is provided for in the Constitution. But solutions are being examined how the prerogatives of the district council can be changed and how resources can be allocated differently, so that it is more efficient and fair. That would mean administrative reform, certain attributions of the district councils to be shared with the first-level public administration and with other central-level institutions,” Maia Sandu said.

According to the Constitution, the territory of the Republic of Moldova is organized, administratively, in villages, cities, districts and the autonomous territorial unit Gagauzia. Under the law, some cities can be declared municipalities. To amend the Constitution in the Parliament, the vote of at least 2/3 of the deputies is required.

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