MFAEI asks the Russian authorities to refrain from comments and interference in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) asks the Russian authorities to refrain from commenting on and interfering in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova, including church matters and history.

“In recent days, the Russian authorities have made controversial statements, including regarding the Stalinist deportations and the role of the church in society. It is important to emphasize that the church must promote the Christian values ​​of peace and unity in our society, not war and aggression.

As for the statements about deportations from the then territory of the Republic of Moldova, we consider them completely unacceptable. It is an attempt to distort the tragic historical events that our country went through. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration urges the Russian authorities to refrain from commenting on or interfering in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova, including church matters and our history.

The actions of that time caused great suffering to our people. We invite representatives of the Russian embassy to visit the exhibition from 8.30 to 21.00, open on the Great National Assembly Square, and talk with historians – university professors, scientific researchers, and specialists to find out the historical truth about the famine and mass deportations to the Gulag.”

Recall that the day before, the Russian Embassy in the Republic of Moldova commented on the exhibition “Bessarabians in the Gulag” at the Great National Assembly Square in the capital. “Month of Russophobia” disguised as “the fight against totalitarianism.”

On Thursday, July 13, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that inter-church relations in Moldova are being politicized, and official Chisinau, contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, allows interference in the affairs of confessions.

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