Military diversionists sent to initiate a Coup d’état in Moldova, President Sandu says

Military diversionists would be sent by the Kremlin to Moldova, to change its power. The statement was made by president Maia Sandu, during a press conference today morning.

The president revealed the information sent by Vladimir Zelensky, about which he talked in Brussels. According to her, the final goal is to change the final course of the country, to put Moldova under the influence of Russia, and endanger the European course.

“The plan for the next period involves actions with subversives with military training, camouflaged in civilian clothes, who will undertake violent actions, attack state institutions and take hostages. The change of power in Chisinau would be forced. The plan involves the use of people from outside the country, for violent actions. They have instructions for citizens from Russia, Belarus, Serbia, and Montenegro to enter Moldova,” said Sandu.


The president reported that those involved would be members of the Şor Party, people known for their ties to the former democratic leader Vlad Plahotniuc and veterans. “The goal is to overthrow the constitutional order, to put the country at Russia’s disposal, to stop the European integration process and so that Moldova can be used by Russia in the war in Ukraine,” the president also mentioned.

In this context, Sandu asked the Parliament to adopt the necessary projects so that the Prosecutor’s Office and the SIS have available intervention measures. “All those who participate in these actions and all those who protect them must be held accountable,” Sandu claimed.

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