
Minister Andrei Spînu Advocates Moldova’s European Interconnection Projects

The Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Andrei Spînu, spoke on Digi24 about the interconnection projects between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union through Romania. Chisinau is receiving funds for infrastructure projects, including the construction of new bridges over the Prut River.

“We do not see any other future for our country outside the European Union. And the interconnection of infrastructure is probably the fastest way for us to effectively become interconnected,” said Andrei Spînu.

He added that “the interconnection of Moldova with Romania is, in fact, the interconnection of Moldova with the European Union.”

“We see the queues forming at the border, which hinder the movement of citizens and economic activity. We cannot talk about real integration into the EU if we do not interconnect through better roads, bridges, railways, and improved ports. That is the solution,” the minister continued.

He emphasized that the governments of the Republic of Moldova and Romania need to build as many bridges over the Prut River as possible.

“We are talking about a new bridge at Ungheni, the need to modernize the bridges at Sculeni, Leușeni, and Giurgiulești. This is our moral and geopolitical obligation, to build these interconnections as quickly as possible,” he continued.


Another priority is a highway connection between the two countries. However, in the Republic of Moldova, there are only highway projects that would connect Iași to Chisinau and then to Odessa, Ukraine. Concrete steps have not yet been taken. On the other hand, the Republic of Moldova is the only non-EU country included in a European interconnection project, for which it receives 2 billion euros in funding.

“We have already applied together with Romania, and we will have funding for the Prut River bridges; 50% of the costs will be covered by European funds,” said Spînu.

The minister also mentioned that within this project, he aims to rehabilitate all national roads in the Republic of Moldova. Additionally, the rehabilitation of railways and the transition from the Soviet gauge to the European gauge are being considered.

“Our top priority is to start now. If we are alone, we will not succeed,” he added.

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