Moldo-Russian Relations More Deteriorated than During the Transnistrian War, says Expert Taranu

“We have never had such bad relations [with Russia] before. Maybe only during the war in Transnistria in 1992, but even then there was communication between the presidents of the countries that simply do not exist today,” said Anatol Țăranu, former ambassador to Moscow, to Radio Free Europe.

Speaking in the most recent episode of the podcast “În esență…” on the topic of Chisinau’s application of the principle of diplomatic parity in relation to Russia, political commentator Anatol Țăranu stated that currently, the bilateral relationship between the two states “is extremely complicated.”

“I believe that we are at the lowest point of tension and bad relations between two states,” Anatol Țăranu assessed.

When asked if diplomatic relations could be severed, Anatol Țăranu stated that he does not rule out this possibility.

“These relations could be interrupted if we were subjected to an overt military attack from Russia, a fact that cannot be excluded,” the former diplomat affirmed.

In the context of a potential revival of Moldovan-Russian relations, Țăranu believes that this could happen under the condition that Russia respects the sovereignty, independence, and interests of the Republic of Moldova.


Anatol Țăranu mentioned in the podcast that after the conclusion of the war in Ukraine, Moldovan-Russian relations could “relax.”

“We cannot remain in this state of tension indefinitely. It is not normal for the relationship between the two states to be at the current level. We did not choose this type of relationship; it was imposed on us by Russian aggression in Ukraine,” observed Anatol Țăranu.

The political commentator expressed confidence that after Russia’s war with Ukraine, Chisinau will build its relations with Moscow on new principles. “Chisinau, I believe, has thoroughly learned its lesson and will not return to its obedient position in relation to Russia,” added the former ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Russia.

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