Moldova takes Pride! Significant Global Awards for the International Classical Music Festival VinOpera

The event, organized by the Constantin Mimi Foundation, which brings together music lovers under the starry sky of Castel Mimi, is highly regarded in the world. Proof of this is the prestigious titles achieved by VinOpera.

The Wine Travel Awards, a specialized website that annually honors the best entrepreneurs in the wine and event organization domain, designated VinOpera as the ‘Event of the Year 2021’ in the ‘Enogastronomic Event’ category through public voting.

Regarding this success, as well as the title of ‘Best Wine Tourism Event’ obtained by VinOpera following last year’s edition, those from Castel Mimi announced with great satisfaction on their official Facebook page.

“With pride, we have also obtained the title of ‘European Wine Event of the Year 2022’, within the prestigious competition organized by ITER VITIS Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe,” it is stated in a post on the Castel Mimi Facebook page.

We mention that this year, the VinOpera International Classical Music Festival is being held for the first time in three locations. For two out of the three recitals, anyone interested will have access, as the performances will be held with free admission. Only for the grand symphonic concert on September 1st at Castel Mimi, a ticket is required for entry. Details about the performing artists and prices are available HERE.

We remind you that Realitatea is the general media partner of the event. Follow them and stay current with all the VinOpera 2023 news.


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