“Moldova can be a leader in Europe”, according to Roberta Metsola

Roberta Metsola is on an official visit to Chisinau. The President of the European Parliament delivered a speech in the Legislature of the Republic of Moldova. The declarations themselves were made in English, and Realitatea publishes the translated text in Romanian.

“I am honored to be here, in the house of democracy in the Republic of Moldova. It is a privilege to be among colleagues, among friends who share the belief in Europe’s power to face today’s challenges.

Friends, I came here with only one message: Moldova’s place is in Europe. Our future must be together, and the European Parliament will do everything necessary to support you on your way to becoming a member state of the European Union. This must be the history we will write together, for the benefit of everyone in Europe. I know it’s not always easy to convince everyone. That’s why I’m here, to help, to answer questions, to listen.

We will be with you every step of the way. Yesterday, the European Commission committed to providing more funds. I know how important this is, and equally, no matter how much more is needed, you can count on us. But the transformative effect of EU membership is not just funds. It’s about aligning standards, it’s about making laws, it’s about the voice of the Republic of Moldova being heard around the table, having an impact on decisions that affect us all. It is about guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, equality. It is about hope for future generations.

This is what Europe is about.

We live in times of instability, with increases in energy and electricity prices, inflation, food shortages and creeping unemployment. And all this is framed in the context of an illegal war on our continent, on your borders, with an autocrat, with propaganda and disinformation.

And yet, it is often in times like these that we find the true meaning behind European solidarity. Where the power of Europe is felt strongest.


Mr. President, at the opening of the autumn 2022 session of this Parliament, you spoke about the support your country receives from the European Union. And I am here today, on behalf of the European Parliament, to reiterate with the utmost conviction that Europe is with you. And it will stay with you.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am proud to say that the European Parliament has always been in solidarity with Moldova. I did it with words, but more importantly – with actions.

At the beginning of this year, we were the first EU institution to request that Moldova receive EU candidate status, together with Ukraine. We did this because Moldova is part of our European family. Because we know that Europe means opening doors, tearing down walls and being together. It’s a lifestyle.

And here I want it to be clearly understood: the Republic of Moldova is a European state – through history, geography, identity, culture and tradition. It was Stephen the Great who won the battles and helped set the course for modern Europe. For years, your people have demonstrated unwavering support for the country’s European course, embracing European principles and values.

By granting candidate status to Moldova, we wanted to convey the strongest messages of hope and solidarity. Solidarity with all those who support our common values, who want to live in peace and security, in free, democratic and prosperous countries that maintain good neighborly relations.

Granting EU candidate status is a historic opportunity for Moldova to strengthen its democracy, empower its youth and build a modern and resilient country. It is also a historic moment for Europe. We want a piece of Moldova in Europe, not just a piece of Europe in Moldova.

Moldova can be a leader in Europe – you are already a leader in terms of gender equality, setting an example in the region with a female president, prime minister and president of the Constitutional Court. Congratulations!”

See the full speech in the video below:

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