Moldova Ready to Start Accession Negotiations, Says MEP Ramona Strugariu

Moldova is ready to begin accession negotiations, a fact confirmed by both the European Parliament and the European Commission, according to MEP Ramona Strugariu, writes IPN. She mentioned that the decision to launch accession negotiations will be made in conjunction with Ukraine, and some European leaders are still considering the opportunity to initiate negotiations with this country.

Ramona Strugariu is convinced that Moldova is prepared to start accession negotiations. According to the MEP, if the European Council decides to launch accession negotiations during its meeting, a clear accession calendar must be established by spring.

“I believe that Moldova is definitely ready to start accession negotiations. This is not just my opinion; the European Parliament has stated it firmly repeatedly, including in its most recent resolution. I represent the message of all my colleagues who support Moldova’s European endeavor. The European Commission has mentioned it in the report it presented with the necessary recommendations, so there is no room for doubt. I believe that once the European Council gives the green light, we need a very clear accession calendar by spring, and each negotiation chapter must be established as it should be. I know that Moldova is preparing and has already formed working groups, preparing chapter by chapter for accession, 35 chapters,” stated MEP Ramona Strugariu.

According to the Romanian MEP, the decision of the European Council will not only concern Moldova but also Ukraine, and some European leaders are skeptical about the opportunity to initiate accession negotiations with Kyiv.

“The discussion takes place in a slightly broader context, namely, it is about Moldova and Ukraine. It involves discussions about the budget and instruments we create at the European level to further support these European endeavors. Certainly, there is a bit of a dispute; some European leaders argue quite loudly that they are not prepared to give the green light, especially to Ukraine, and that others are in line. But it’s not about who got in line first; it’s a merit-based approach. For example, Turkey got in line a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean it’s ready or deserves to be part of the European family,” added the MEP.

The final decision on whether to start EU-Moldova accession negotiations will be made during the European Council meeting on December 14-16 in Brussels.

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