
Moldova remains in a state of emergency due to the war in Ukraine

The Parliament approved the extension of the state of emergency for another 60 days, during today’s plenary session, December 1, at the request of Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița. 55 deputies of the parliamentary majority – PAS voted for the extension of the state of emergency.

Before the proposal to establish a state of emergency in energy for another 60 days is put to vote, the Bloc of Communists and Socialists’ deputies announce that they are leaving the Parliament hall in protest.

During the state of emergency, the Commission for Exceptional Situations will issue binding and enforceable provisions for the heads of central and local public administration authorities, economic agents, and public institutions, as well as for citizens and other persons located on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.


We remind you that, on February 24, at the proposal of the Government, the Parliament declared a state of emergency throughout the country, taking into account the imminent danger to national security caused by the war in Ukraine. Later, also at the Government’s proposal, on April 21, the Parliament ordered the extension of the state of emergency for a period of 60 days, which expired on June 23. Later, the state of emergency was extended several times.

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